Quincy Wilson

Meet the cast of The Stinky Cheese Man & Other Fair(l)y Stoopid Tales

In SCM (that's Stinky Cheese Man...) Quincy Wilson plays "Foxy Loxy".

Quincy is a Welding major at State Fair Community College. A few of Quincy’s previous shows include: SFCC’s SpongeBob the Musical (Mr. Krabbs), SFCC’s Leveling Up (Chuck), SFCC’s Puffs (Wayne Hopkins), SFCC’s First Date (Gabe), SFCC’s Oedipus (King Laius), and SFCC’s Dearly Departed (Reverend Hooker). He has also recently received his Level One Unarmed stage combat Certificate. Quincy would like to thank his family, friends, and girlfriend for their continued love and support.


Ainsley McKellips


Jenna Speer